
Discover the long-lasting flavor profile of 2023 Shi Feng Long Jing

We have launched the 2023 harvest of Shi Feng Long Jing tea. Shi Feng Long Jing tea, also known as Shi Feng Dr …

2019 Chinese Green Teas are available in our store

We have now received three types of 2019 Chinese green tea and one yellow tea. Thanks to less rain in this spr …

Shi Feng Long Jing, made from the “Old Tea Tree”

We have released Shi Feng Long Jing 2013. To many tea drinkers, Long Jing sounds very familiar, and it becomes …

HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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