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Tea Processing

Close-up photo of pan-frying process for making pu-erh tea

I am now staying in a small village situated at high mountain area (about 1500m a.s.l) in Ling Cang. I visited …

Finding good green tea to produce quality jasmine pearl

Jasmine tea is one of the very important teas in our lineup. Many people may think that Jasmine flower plays a …

The secret of making quality white tea

I have spent two days in the white tea factory located in Fuding city of Fujian province in China. The differe …

tea garden of white tea
Visiting tea garden in Fuding city of Fujian province in China

  I am now in Fuding city of Fujian province in China to buy some white teas and base green tea for makin …

pu-erh tea leaf
The simple reason why some pu-erh teas has smoky flavor.

Smoke Gets into Your Tea – Debunk the Smoky Tea Myth Fresh plucked raw pu-erh tea leaves are usually processed …


HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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