HOJO TEA : A Gift From The Mountain.

Hand Crafted Japanese Teapot

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私たちはブランドコンセプトをこうして実現しております HOJOのお茶が安全な理由 Japan Clay Tea Pot Japan Cast Iron Kettle

Japanese Teapot

Cast Iron Kettle

Japanese Green Tea

Chinese Green Tea

Indian Black Tea

Chinese Black Tea

Taiwanese Black Tea

Taiwanese Oolong Tea

Chinese Oolong Tea

Dark Tea

Yellow Tea

White Tea

Scented Tea

oversea shipment

HOME> Japanese Tea Pot>Available Lineup

Please note that the reservation of item is only valid for ONE month from the date of the price quoted. After One month, the item will be automatically released without prior notice.

【Akira Hojo】

Teapot Evaluation Technique Using Tea

The mesurement of volume is conducted using glass beads. There is some measurement errors about 10-15% of the indicated volume.

Iga Natural Red Clay that enhances the body

I wanted to find the clay that enhances the body and widens the taste of tea on palate. The clay that enhances the body is suitable for fermented teas, such as oolong, black tea and raw pu-erh. It also works well for green tea and all other types of tea. The flavour of green tea becomes very rich if this clay is used. With stronger body, you may feel the sweetness around the palate at the side of mouth and it lingers for a while. Based on my experience, it is less difficult to find the clay teapot that increases the after taste. Some metal ware such as iron kettle and tin will increases the aftertaste too. However, it is quite hard to find the clay that enhances body.

I assumed that the clay in either Shigaraki or Iga area may increases body. It is because the sake, tea and water in these areas give very strong body. The Iga and Shigaraki used to be the bottom of the Biwa Lake back in a few hundred million years ago. The soil in these places is very rich in alkaline minerals and it enhances the body when it is used for the teapot or other tea ware. Generally, Iga and Shigaraki is known for the white clay. However, these places also produce very special red clay (朱泥) too.

The surface of teapot becomes moist

When tea was left in the Iga clay teapot for a while, we observed that the surface of teapot gets moisten. It is because this clay is very porous.This property is deminishing after using it for some time as the clay is sealed by the minerals eluted from tea. Some old Yi Xing clay teapots also do have the same property.

Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot Oxidation Fire by Maekawa Junzo

The production yield of Iga clay teapot is extremely low due to the less elastic character of clay. For example, out of 3 models the artist produces, we can only recover one teapot. The 2/3 of teapots get cracked during frying or firing. Due to the difficulty in craftmanship and low yeild, the price of Iga natural red clay tea ware is relatively higher than other clay.

Japanese teapot

We worked side by side with Junzo Maekawa who is the artist from Tokoname. He has a very unique back ground. He studied engineering in university. His logical approach makes teapots very functional.

Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot

The production yield of Iga clay teapot is extremely low due to the less elastic character of clay. For example, out of 3 models the artist produces, we can only recover one teapot. The 2/3 of teapots get cracked during frying or firing. Due to the difficulty in craftmanship and low yeild, the price of Iga natural red clay tea ware is relatively higher than other clay.

Iga Natural Clay Teapot

Japanese teapot MY322 Japanese teapot MY323
MY326 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 MY327 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 140ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY322 Japanese teapot MY323
MY329 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 140ml Paper Box JPY21,800 MY331 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY322 Japanese teapot MY323
MY332 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 MY335 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY322 Japanese teapot MY323
MY336 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 MY337 Iga Natural Red Clay Teapot 150ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD

Iga Natural Clay Hohin

Japanese teapot  
All Iga wares come with direct hole filter.  
Japanese teapot MY298 MY298 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD Japanese teapot MY299 MY299 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY300 MY300 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Japanese teapot MY301 MY301 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY302 MY302 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD Japanese teapot MY303 MY303 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY304 MY304 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 110ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Japanese teapot MY305 MY305 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY306 MY306 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Japanese teapot MY307 MY307 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY310 MY310 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Japanese teapot MY311 MY311 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 100ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD
Japanese teapot MY312 MY312 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Japanese teapot MY313 MY313 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 130ml Paper Box JPY21,800
Japanese teapot MY314 MY314 Iga Natural Red Clay Hohin 120ml Paper Box JPY21,800  


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
MY255 Iga Natural Red Clay Shiboridashi 80ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD MY256 Iga Natural Red Clay Shiboridashi 70ml Paper Box JPY21,800 Sold
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
MY290 Iga Natural Red Clay Shiboridashi 90ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD MY295 Iga Natural Red Clay Shiboridashi 80ml Paper Box JPY21,800 SOLD

Iga Natural Red Clay Pitcher

Japanese teapot MY315 MY315 Iga Natural Red Clay Pitcher 190ml Paper Box JPY17,500 SOLD Japanese teapot MY316 MY316 Iga Natural Red Clay Pitcher 200ml Paper Box JPY17,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot MY315 MY317 Iga Natural Red Clay Pitcher 200ml Paper Box JPY17,500 Japanese teapot MY316 MY318 Iga Natural Red Clay Pitcher 200ml Paper Box JPY17,500 SOLD

Kobiwako Clay Teapot

We found this clay near the borders of Iga and Shigaraki where it used to be at the bottom of the Biwa Lake way back 4-6 million years ago. The clay from these areas is rich in alkaline mineral such as calcium and potassium that contributes a lot to the body of a tea. In addition, Kobiwako clay is very rich in iron content and the particle size of iron exists in Kobiwako clay is very small thanks to natural decomposition. We tested a number of clays from Kobiwako area and finally we found this clay after spending more than two years of effort.


Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot with Direct Hole Filter

Japanese teapot  
The direct hole filter  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K818 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 100ml JPY16,800 Paper Box SOLD K832 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 200ml JPY17,800 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K833 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 200ml JPY17,800 Paper Box  K841 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 110ml JPY16,800 Paper BoxSOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K852 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box SOLD K853 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K854 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box  K856 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K964 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 

K965 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K966 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 350ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 

K967 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 340ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K968 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 340ml JPY19,800 Paper Box

K970 Kobiwako Side Handle Teapot 340ml JPY19,800 Paper Box 

Kobiwako Hohin

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
The diameter is about 80mm


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K1046 Kobiwako Hohin 100ml JPY16,800 Paper Box SOLD

K1047 Kobiwako Hohin 110ml JPY16,800 Paper Box SOLD

Kobiwako Banck Handle Teapot with Direct Multi-Number Hole Filter

The back handle teapot comes with single hole filter. Please note that the price for some models is lower. It is due to the design matter that the shape of handle is not exactly matching to my requirement. The judgement is quite subjective though.If you do not mind with the design, it is a good deal.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K019 Kobiwako Back Handle Teapot 230ml JPY15,000 Paper Box SOLD K228b Kobiwako Back Handle Teapot 150ml Bulbous filter JPY15,000 Paper Box SOLD

Shiboridashi : Lid sitting on the shoulder

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Shiboridashi is to filter the tea using the thin gap between lid and body.  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
K960 Kobiwako Shiboridashi 100ml JPY16,800 Paper Box SOLD K961 Kobiwako Shiboridashi 100ml JPY16,800 Paper Box SOLD

Kobiwako Tea Cup

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
KC000 Kobiwako Tea Cup JPY16,800/4 Cups50ml Paper Box SOLD KC001 Kobiwako Tea CupJPY16,800/ 4 Cups50ml Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K892 Kobiwako Tea Cup 160ml JPY6,800 Paper Box

K903 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K906 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

K909 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K910 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

K912 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K918 Kobiwako Tea Cup 280ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

K922 Kobiwako Tea Cup 260ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K923 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

K924 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K925 Kobiwako Tea Cup 180ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

K927 Kobiwako Tea Cup 190ml JPY8,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K928 Kobiwako Tea Cup 190ml JPY8,500 Paper Box SOLD

K929 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K930 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box SOLD

K931 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K932 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

K933 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K934 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

K935 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K936 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

K937 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K938 Kobiwako Tea Cup 250ml JPY9,500 Paper Box

K1049 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY7,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K1050 Kobiwako Tea Cup 230ml JPY7,500 Paper Box SOLD

K1051 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY7,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

K1052 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY7,500 Paper Box

K1053 Kobiwako Tea Cup 200ml JPY7,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot  

K1054 Kobiwako Tea Cup 220ml JPY7,500 Paper Box


Banko Purple Clay Teapot and Cup by Masaki Tachi

HOJO is selecting Masaki Tachi's teapot right in his gallery in order to ensure that our selection is of superior in terms of design. balance and finishing.


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

I visited Tachi Masaki's house and personally picked these models directly from his private showcase where he usually keeps his favorite models.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B59 290ml JPY13,000 Wooden Box B76 250ml JPY11,000 Woden Box  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B89 250ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box B92 250ml JPY11,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B162 300ml JPY14,000 Wooden Box SOLD B164 300ml JPY14,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B165 300ml JPY14,000 Wooden Box SOLD B249-2 200ml JPY11,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B249-4 200ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box B249-5 200ml JPY11,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B253 200ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box B254 200ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B255 210ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box B256 160ml JPY13,000 Woden Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B257 260ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box B258-2 160ml JPY11,000 Woden Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B259-1 150ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box SOLD

B260-1 110ml JPY12,000 Woden Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B260-2 110ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box

B260-3 110ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B261-1 100ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box SOLD

B262-2 300ml JPY12,000 Woden Box  

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B262-5 290ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box

B262-6 290ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B271-1 150ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box

B271-5 150ml JPY11,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B272-3 270ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box SOLD

B273-1 290ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B273-2 260ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box

B273-3 290ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B280 280ml JPY14,000 Wooden Box SOLD

B281 250ml JPY14,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B293-3 250ml JPY13,000 Wooden Box

B297 240ml JPY12,000 Woden Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B299 300ml JPY13,000 Wooden Box

B300 200ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B301 250ml JPY14,000 Wooden Box SOLD

B304 250ml JPY12,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

B305 200ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box

B307 250ml JPY14,000 Woden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B311 250ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box B314 280ml JPY14,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B315 220ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box SOLD B316 280ml JPY14,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B317 190ml JPY20,000 Wooden Box SOLD B318 300ml JPY12,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B319 180ml JPY12,000 Wooden Box B321-2 260ml JPY13,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B321-4 250ml JPY13,000 Wooden Box B322-3 200ml JPY11,000 Woden Box
Japanese teapot  
B322-4 200ml JPY11,000 Wooden Box  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B340 120ml JPY4,800 Paper Box B345 100ml JPY4,800 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
B364 150ml JPY4,800 Paper Box SOLD B365 150ml JPY4,800 Paper Box RESERVED

Masaki Tachi Shigaraki Clay Tea Ware

The shigaraki clay enhances the body of tea and als moderately increase the intensity of the after taste. It is not suitabe for Phoenix Oolong and Tie Guan Yin.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

The spout of Masaki Tachi teapot is purposely a little twisted. This is the style of Masaki Tachi that he wants the spout to face straight down when pouring tea. Please refer to the right photo.

The above palm size teapot is about 50-80ml.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S215 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 300ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box  SOLD

S216 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 290ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box  

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S219 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 290ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box

S222 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 300ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S229 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 280ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box  

S230 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 280ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box   

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S233 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 250ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box 

S234 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 250ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box  

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S246-2 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 190ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box SOLD   

S246-3 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 200ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box SOLD 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S246-4 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 180ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box  SOLD 

S246-5 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 200ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box   

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S269-4 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 160ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box SOLD 

S309 Shigaraki Rough Clay Teapot 260ml JPY16,800 Wooden Box 

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S209-4 Shigaraki Rough Clay Samashi 220ml JPY7,500 Paper Box SOLD  

S132 Shigaraki Rough Clay Samashi 200ml JPY9,600 Paper Box SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S209-7 Shigaraki Rough Clay Samashi 240ml JPY7,500 Paper Box SOLD 

S348 Shigaraki Rough Clay Cup 150ml JPY7,500 Paper Box SOLD

lay 200ml J

Sado Akitsu Mumyoi Teapot by Watanabe Tozo

Akitsu is named after the area called Akitsu, where is located the down stream of the highest mountain in Sado Island called Kinpoku mountain. Since 1958, Sado airport was constructed right in the middle of Akitsu areat. Watanabe Tozo has collected Akitsu red clay long ago before the airpot was constructed. However the clay was sleeping in his warehouse for long time as he've never thought it has a great potential in terms of taste alteration. Since a few years ago, I was looking for the clay that could enhance body and conducting various screening. The result of Akitsu clay was outstanding. It drastically increases body of tea as well as after taste. Since Akitsu clay is less elastic and also we wanted to further enhance after taste, we blended Akitsu clay with Nosaka natural clay. The result was very good after all. It works pretty well for fermented tea such as oolong, pu-erh, black tea and white tea. There are 3 types of firing method used for Akitsu Mumyoi. Carbonized reduction, Reduction and Oxidation.

The taste is as follow.

Body: Oxidation > Reduction > Carbonized Reduction

After Taste: Carbonized Reduction > Reduction > Oxidation


Watanabe Tozo is collecting the natural clay from the mountain by himself. Due to some nature of clay, the Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation models have some variencse in appearance. Some of them look a bit like Jupiter. Please consider these pattens as the character. The clay works very well on taste.

Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA832 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box    TA844 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TA861 180ml JPY28,000 Paper Box  SOLD

 TA863 230ml JPY28,000 Paper Box  SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation Fire Hohin

Beause of its fucntion and design, we are not particularly segregated the model even if that lid moves about 1mm. Thanks to the solid design of the lid, the slight movement does not really affect its function and beauty.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA782 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD TA788 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA828 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box   TA829 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA840 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box   TA879 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation Tea Cup x 4 without Namamigaki

Japanese teapot  
TACUP01 4 Cups 30ml JPY13,800 Paper Box  

Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation Fired Samashi with Namamigaki by Watanabe Tozo

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA827 300ml JPY18,000 Paper Box  SOLD TA541 250ml JPY18,000 Paper Box  SOLD

Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation Fired Cup

It can be used not only for tea but also for coffee or any other drinks. Thanks to the clay, the taste of any drinks becomes smooth and richer.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA906 300ml JPY6,000 Paper Box TA910 300ml JPY6,000 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA913 300ml JPY6,000 Paper Box SOLD TA914 300ml JPY6,000 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TA918 200ml JPY5,000 Paper Box

TA924 200ml JPY5,000 Paper Box

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Oxidation Mug Cup

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TA690 200ml JPY6,000 Paper Box SOLD TA691 200ml JPY6,000 Paper Box SOLD

Sado Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Teapot by Watanabe Tozo

The oxidation fired teapot was baried in rice husk or chacoal and fired again at lower temperature at less than 1000 degree C.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC534 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD TAC535 140ml JPY19,500 Paper Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC530 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box   TAC537 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC539 220ml JPY22,500 Paper Box   TAC553 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC557 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD TAC559 500ml JPY28,000 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC561 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box   TAC565 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Hohin

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC542 80ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD TAC544 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC545 70ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD TAC546 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Samashi/Katakuchi with Namamigaki

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC078 200ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD TAC366 300ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC466 300ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD TAC560 500ml JPY45,000 Paper Box

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Tea Cup x 4 without Namamigaki

Japanese teapot  
TACCUP01 4 Cups 30ml JPY13,800 Paper Box SOLD  

Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Cup

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC370 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 SOLD TAC378 250ml Paper Box JPY7,800 SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Carbonized Reduction Samashi/Katakuchi without Namamigaki

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAC175 500ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD TAC176 500ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

Akitsu Mumyoi Reduction Teapot

The color of some teapots appears different from another. It is not due to the lighting effect but the effect by fire. It is depending on where these teapots are placed in the kiln. The difference of gas and temperature affect a lot in color.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAR241 100ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD TAR243 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAR256 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD TAR257 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

Akitsu Mumyoi Reduction Hohin


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAR221 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD TAR258 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Akitsu Mumyoi Reduction Tea Cup x 4 without Namamigaki

Japanese teapot  
TRCUP01 4 Cups 30ml JPY13,800 Paper Box SOLD  

Akitsu Mumyoi Reduction Fired Samashi/Picture

Some models have got 2 tones color because of firing effect in kiln.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAR086 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD TAR144 250ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

Please note that the reservation of item is only valid for ONE month from the date of the price quoted. After One month, the item will be automatically released without prior notice, except we receive further update from customer.

Watanabe Tozo Reduction Fired Tall Cup

Due to the light intensitiy of reduction. the color appears reddish. However it shows the character of reduction fired teapot.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TAR193 130ml JPY4,500 Paper Box SOLD TAR194 130ml JPY4,500 Paper Box SOLD

Sado Mumyoi Joaka Clay Teapot by Watanabe Tozo

Joaka is the naturally refined mumyoi clay collected from the gold mine. The Joaka clay became available thanks to the cleaning activity of the cave as the Sado city is trying to apply Aikawa Golden Mine to the world helitage.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TJ303 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  SOLD TJ322 250ml JPY28,000 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TJ325 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  SOLD TJ326 90ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

Mumyoi Joaka Clay Hohin

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
TJ343 90ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD TJ344 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD 
Japanese teapot  
TJ345 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD  

Mumyoi Joaka Clay Hohin

Japanese teapot  
TJCUP01 30ml x 4 JPY13,800 Paper Box    

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay

Nosaka oxidation clay enhances both body and after taste. It is suitable for all types of tea including Japanese green, oolong and pu-erh tea.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN334 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN335 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN344 100ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN345 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN346 200ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  

TN347 110ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN348 200ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  

TN349 200ml JPY22,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN350 110ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN351 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN358 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN359 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN360 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  

TN361 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN364 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN365 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN367 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN368 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay Hohin


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN309 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN312 100ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN314 130ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN315 180ml JPY22,500 Paper Box  SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay Pitcher


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN258 280ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TN259 280ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay Cup


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN371 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

TN372 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN373 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

TN374 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN375 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

TN385 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN387 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

TN388 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN389 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

TN370 200ml JPY6,300 Paper Box  

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay Cup


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN376 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box  

TN377 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN378 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box  

TN379 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN380 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box  SOLD

TN381 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN382 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box  

TN383 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TN384 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box  

TN386 200ml JPY6,900 Paper Box 

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Rough Clay Reduction Fired Teapot and Hohin

This is the same clay that is used for the Nosaka rough clay oxidation fired teapot. The reduction fire makes the after taste outstandingly stronger and the at the same time reduces the body. The taste of tea becomes more transpearent and cleaner. This clay is suitable if you are the big fan of after taste and do not need strong body. The color varies depending on the position where these teapots were placed in the kiln. It is not due to the lighting effect.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR372 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR377 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR378 180ml Paper Box JPY22,500 SOLD

TNR379 Slightly Yohen 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR380 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

TNR388 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR390 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

TNR391 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR394 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500  

TNR404 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR418 180ml Paper Box JPY22,500

TNR420 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR422 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

TNR423 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR424 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR427 100ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR428 100ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR433 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR434 250ml Paper Box JPY28,000 RESERVED

TNR435 400ml Paper Box JPY28,000 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR440 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR441 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR442 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR443 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR444 140ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR445 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR446 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR447 140ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR448 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR449 130ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR450 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500

TNR451 100ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR452 230ml Paper Box JPY22,500

TNR453 230ml Paper Box JPY22,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR454 230ml Paper Box JPY22,500 SOLD

TNR455 180ml Paper Box JPY22,500
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR466 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

TNR467 120ml Paper Box JPY19,500
Japanese teapot  

TNR468 120ml Yohen Paper Box JPY22,500 SOLD


Nosaka Rough Clay Reduction Fired Hohin

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR408 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD 

TNR411 150ml Paper Box JPY19,500 SOLD

Nosaka Rough Clay Reduction Fired Cup

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR456 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300

TNR457 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR458 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300

TNR459 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR460 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300

TNR461 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR462 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300 SOLD

TNR463 150ml Paper Box JPY6,300 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR240 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900

TNR241 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR469 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 SOLD

TNR470 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR471 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900

TNR472 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR473 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900

TNR474 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNR475 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900

TNR476 200ml Paper Box JPY6,900 

Watanabe Tozo Nosaka Carbonized Reduction Teapot


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNC006 150ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TNC011 280ml JPY28,000 Paper Box   
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNC014 280ml JPY28,000 Paper Box  SOLD

TNC016 300ml JPY28,000 Paper Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

TNC034 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box  SOLD

TNC041 120ml JPY19,500 Paper Box SOLD

Bone China StyleTea Ware from Taiwan

We have tried tens of manufacture in China, Taiwan and Japan. We decided to introduce the brand San Xi because of its outstanding craftsmanship and the most importantly it makes the taste of tea very smooth and thick. These porcelain ware works extremely well with our hand crafted teapot too.  

In Taiwan, the most of so-called bone china is not exactly the bone china that contains the cow bone ash. That is why we call it "Bone China Style". However the most importantly it carries the similar character as the bone china ware in terms of the effect to the taste and the flavor of tea.

Japanese teapot

Japanese teapot

Japanese teapot


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S001 Bone China Style Gaiwan with Flowery Pattern 130ml JPY2,100 No Box SOLD  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S017 Bone China Style Gaiwan Traditional Shape with floweary patten 200ml JPY2,800 Paper Box  
Japanese teapot

Both type of tea cup comes with the same pattern and the same material.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S003 Bone China Style Cup with Flower Pattern Small 35ml JPY480/ Cup No Box S002 Bone China Style Cup with Flower Pattern Big 70ml JPY680/ Cup No Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
This model is exactly the same size and volume as S002. S012 Bone china style cup without pattern 70ml JPY680/Cup No Box
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S015 Bone china style cup 60ml JPY680/ Cup No Box  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
  S015 Bone china style cup with S013


Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Saucer with simple plain design S013 Bone china style soucer JPY700/each No box
Japanese teapot

Photo is the combination between S013 and S002

Japanese teapot

Photo is the combination between S012 and S013.

Bone China Plain

The professional often uses the bone china Gaiwan without any pattern on it. These plain gaiwans are often used in various tea shops in both China and Taiwan. Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S004 Bone China Style Tea Funnel JPY1200 No Box SOLD S005 Bone China Style Pitcher 270ml JPY1,980 No Box SOLD
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS021 Bone china styke pitcher 320ml Size H 90mm W77mm x 86mm Paper box JPY2,600 SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS022 Bone china teacup 95ml Size H54mm W68mm No box JPY680 SOLD

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

S006 Bone China Style Tea Cup 45ml JPY480/Cup No Box SOLD

Japanese teapot

The volume of the above 2 models are the same.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S007 Bone China Style Gaiwan Slim Shape 130ml JPY1980 Paper Box SOLD  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S008 Bone China Style Gaiwan Traditional Shape 130ml JPY1,980 Paper Box SOLD  
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S016 Bone China Style Gaiwan Traditional Shape 200ml JPY2,980 Paper Box  
Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS025 Bone china styke mug cup with fleter and lid.  230ml  Size:100mm x 78mm (Excluding the handle and lid)Paper box JPY2,980 SOLD

Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS018 Bone china style plain160ml Size H80mm W70mm Paper Box JPY4,980 SOLD


Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS019 Bone china style 90ml Size: H 72mm W55mm Paper Box JPY4,980


Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

XS020 Bone china plain 80ml Size: H65mm W57mm Paper Box JPY4,980 SOLD


Bone china style teapot

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S014 Bone china style teapot with a lace. JPY4,980 Paper Box 160ml SOLD  

Green-White Glazing Tea Ware from Taiwan

This series of material increases the after taste of tea and on the contrary reduce body. It is suitable for green tea and ripe pu-erh tea. On the contrary, I do not suggest this material for Taiwan oolong and black tea. If you like the clear and transpearent taste of tea, you can also use it for various teas.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot
S011 Green-White Glazing Tea Cup 45ml No Box JPY480/Cup SOLD S010 Green-White Glazing Gaiwan 140ml Paper Box JPY1680 SOLD

Nigata Tsuiki Doki (Hand Crafted Copper Ware)

Nigata has been developped copper craft. The copper industry was developped thanks to the natural copper mine existed in Nigata. Each product are knocked and forge the texture as well as shape. The copper is laminated over the tin and finished with either as it is or with urushi. You may enjoy the change of each product in the appearance thanks to the further oxidation from time to time.

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

6-2 Original Copper Color 78x117mm (For 150g) Interrior: Tin

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware JPY14,000 Paper Box

6-4 Original Copper Color 78x77mm (For 100g) Interrior: Tin

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware JPY10,500 Paper Box

Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

13-1 Bronze Nasu Gata 73 x 140mm (For 100g) Interrior: Tin

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware JPY12,600 Wooden Box

13-1 Interrior is made of tin
Japanese teapot Japanese teapot

2-9 Kensui: Bronze in Old Gold Color 130x83mm (Interrior: Copper)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware JPY27,000 Wooden Box SOLD OUT: This item is obtainable from the manufacture

3-12 Kensui: Bronze in Old Gold Color 130x83mm (Interrior: Copper)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware JPY27,000 Wooden Box SOLD OUT: This item is obtainable from the manufacture

NT400 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 400ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY30,000

NS400 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 400ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY36,250

NB250 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 250ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY33,750

NB400 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 400ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY39,500

NT250 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 250ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY27,500

NS250 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 250ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY31,250


NS200 Bronze in Old Gold Color "Tea Pot" 200ml (Interrior: Tin 99.99%)

Nigata Hand-Crafted Tsuiki Copper Ware Wooden Box JPY30,000


Glass Teapot: 200ml JPY1700

Glass Piture : 300ml JPY1150 SOLD

Safety as a Part of HOJO's Quality

Please note that the reservation of item is only valid for ONE month from the date of the price quoted. After One month, the item will be automatically released without prior notice, except we receive further update from customer.

Please feel free to send us e-mail for enquiry at:



Solution Graphics

We accept various kinds of credit card through Paypal.

Only if customer prefer other option of payment, we suggest "Bank Transfer".


Various choice of shipping method

EMS, SAL, Small Packet, Small Packet (SAL) Yamato Express and Surface

For shipping tea, we usually suggest small air parcel, the estimated shipping cost for 100g of tea (with wrapping material) is:

1. Small Parcel

USA - JPY 600, EU - JPY600 and Asia - JPY470

2. Small Packet (SAL)

USA - JPY380, EU - JPY380 and Asia - JPY320

Note: The shipping fee to oversea by small air parcel happens to be even cheaper than domestic shipping fee in Japan.

Custom Duty

For your information, some countries, EU in particular, imposes custom duty which has to be bared by the buyer. We will follow the custom's regulation and indicate the actual amount on invoice, and no packages should be marked as "gift".We apologize for any inconvenient caused.


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