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How to choose quality tea

Minerals that dominate the After Taste of tea

The after taste of tea is one of the most important criteria in selecting tea. To demonstrate that after taste …

What is “Lao Cong” Phoenix Dong Cong Oolong?

The Phoenix oolong tea is often called as Phoenix Dan Cong oolong Tea. The “Dan Cong” means a sing …

Limited and precious Ming Qian pu-erh tea in Lincang

  Qian Long Jing. In Chinese, Ming Qian means before Qing Ming (清明節, 4th of April). Although less people …

Tips on Tea Quality Inspection

There are many ways to judge the quality of tea. Among all, I would like to introduce one method: to check the …

Comparison is the best way to check the tea quality

Comparison is the key to inspect the quality of tea For tea quality aspects, it is quite difficult to put into …


HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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