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Science between the taste of tea and material

Regular Consumption of Umami Seasoning Can Influence Taste Preferences

Excessive consumption of artificial condiments, such as umami seasonings, is believed to influence one’s …

The Real Cause of Astringency in Tea

It’s a common misconception that tannin is solely responsible for the astringency in tea. There are actu …

Metal Crown That Affects The Taste of Tea

In Japan, metal crown and inlay are often used as an artificial tooth in any dental clinic. It is simply becau …

Do you know that the taste of water varies everyday?

You might have noticed that the taste of tea is not the same every day. The taste and the flavor somehow diffe …

The scale built the inside of kettle is essential for tea

Some of you may be irritated by the scale that is built up in the kettle on the inside. Are not you trying to …

The Mystery Tea Bought in China Often Taste Different at Home

There is a difference between the tea brought back from China and when it was tasted back there. There are man …

japanese clay teapot
The combination of different type of clay often gives negative effect

We usually do not suggest combining two or more clay tea ware of different types of material. There are more n …

The unexpected reason why the tea with milk is popular

Majority of customers who visit my shop usually drink their tea without the addition of milk and sugar. Howeve …

charcoal treated water for tea
Charcoal does not always promise a nice cup of tea

Do you believe that charcoal treated water sometimes spoil the taste of tea?Some people place a piece of charc …


HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

New Release of Anxi Traditional Oolong
Anxi, located in Fujian province, China, is celebrated for its Tie Guan Yin tea. However, the Traditional Anxi …
New Release of Lan Yun Tie Guan Yin from Anxi
Lan Yun Tie Guan Yin from Anxi, is not just an ordinary Tie Guan Yin. It has a strikingly delightful flavor re …

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