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Japanese Green Tea

Why do you brew green tea at lower temperature?

Talking about brewing Japanese green tea, many people generally has accepted that it should be brewed at lower …

ujisencha fukamushi
Rich body and aftertaste, Uji Sencha Fukamushi

We quietly released Uji Sencha Fukamushi last year. Uji Sencha Fukamushi is not an ordinary Fukamushi sencha. …

asamiya sencha
Asamiya Sencha, the rare Japanese green tea that gives full body

Asamiya sencha (朝宮煎茶) is from Shigaraki, Koga city in Shiga prefecture.  Asamiya is the district that belongs …

We made a special genmai cha for tea connoisseurs

Genmai Cha is more like a casual tea. In Japan, making Genmai Cha is also one of the ways to sell the low-end …

The role of stem in tea

Did you know the stem of tea is an important factor that affects the taste of tea? Japanese green tea is usual …

The earlier the plucking does not mean the better the quality is

Traditionally, it is widely believed that Japanese green tea plucked on the Hachijyuhachi Ya (八十八夜) should be …


HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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