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Types of Tea

Overview of Newly Released Raw Pu-erh Tea in 2013

This year, I have bought nine types of raw Pu-erh teas. Out of the nine teas, I’ve decided to release six of t …

The unexpected reason why the tea with milk is popular

Majority of customers who visit my shop usually drink their tea without the addition of milk and sugar. Howeve …

3 important points for preparing the nice cup of iced Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling tea is a delicious beverage when drank as iced tea. My family, especially my children love iced Dar …

Gu Shu Yinzhen, the Yunnan White Tea made from the old tea tree

We have just released Gu Shu Yinzhen. Gu Shu means “old tree” in Chinese. This tea was produced fr …

lao cong phoenix dan cong
Phoenix Lao Cong Gui Hua Xiang Dan Cong

Why do we have to visit Phoenix town every year? We have been visiting Phoenix town every year since 2010. Som …

The Secret of Grading on Ripe Pu-erh Tea

The ripe Pu-erh tea is often classified into various grades. The highest grade of the ripe Pu-erh tea is calle …

Video: Pan-frying Process of Pu-erh Tea

I made a video showing the pan-frying process of pu-erh tea. It was recorded this year when I visited Yunnan i …

What is “Lao Cong” Phoenix Dong Cong Oolong?

The Phoenix oolong tea is often called as Phoenix Dan Cong oolong Tea. The “Dan Cong” means a sing …

Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong Tea in Wu Dong Mountain

I was at the Phoenix town to purchase Phoenix Dan Cong oolong. I had an opportunity to visit Wu Dong Shan and …

PAGE 18 OF 22

HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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