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Akira Hojo | HOJO Online Speciality Tea Shop- Part 29

Comparison is the best way to check the tea quality

Comparison is the key to inspect the quality of tea For tea quality aspects, it is quite difficult to put into …

Jade and the taste of tea

It is not only clay teapot or tetsubin that improves the taste of tea. Do you believe that jade or stone could …

Jing Mai is the ideal place for pu-erh tea lover

Jing Mai: the ideal place for pu-erh tea lover From my experience, I found that most of pu-erh tea lover wish …

Do we have to use one tea pot for one tea?

It often comes to the discussion whether or not we should use one teapot for one tea. I would like to share so …

Wild pu-erh tea
Wild Tea Tree in Wu Liang Shan, Yunnan

In 2011, I visited Wu Liang Shan of Yunnan province in China. I was there to look for wild tea trees. In Yunna …

Vacuum packing is not the best way to keep the freshness of the tea

My customer sometimes asked me whether or not they should vacuum-pack the tea in order to maintain its freshne …

Tie Guan Yin Lan Yun literally gives an orchid flower

We launched Tie Guan Yin from Anxi, Fujian. The product name is Tie Guan Yin Lan Yun. The leaf of Tie Guan Yin …

Material that ruins the taste of tea

Many people often pay a lot of attentions on tea leaves and tea equipment in order to enjoy a nice cup of tea. …

pu-erh tea leaf
The simple reason why some pu-erh teas has smoky flavor.

Smoke Gets into Your Tea – Debunk the Smoky Tea Myth Fresh plucked raw pu-erh tea leaves are usually processed …

The Art of Tea Magazine

We posted the article on “The Art of Tea Magazine No.9, the magazine is published in Taiwan. We featured …

PAGE 29 OF 30

HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

Bi Luo Chun: Exquisite Green Tea from East Dongting Shan
Bi Luo Chun is one of China’s most famous green teas, renowned for its superior quality and unique flavo …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an ex …

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